Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Deer Hunter Study, Part 2!

Last week my dog Ozzy started a study of deer hunter behaviour by selecting an area and establishing a network of fake rubs and scrapes, and then setting up trail cameras in order to record hunter activity. The area covered approximately 100 acres so Ozzy could get plenty of video footage. The cameras along the false rub lines were set to still photos, while the large mock scrapes were monitored by cameras set to record sixty seconds of intellegent hunter activity.

We rode out this afternoon to investigate one particular camera in order to get a small measure of what we could expect during the entire study period. This particular camera was set along a mock rub trail. Pictures included several birds, squirrels, a few small deer, and a huge set of tobacco-stained Billy-Bob teeth below two nostrils in need of some serious trimming. The subject was obviously sniffing around the camera. Our scientific conclusion is the location for Ozzy's research looks promising.

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