Friday, December 9, 2011

"The Russians Ain't Coming... They Are Here"!

Occasionally I share Ozzy's blog stats with him. He loves hearing that people all over the world enjoy his silly behaviour, and hopes everyone has a good laugh. Bringing a smile to our readers is what we do, whether at home or in other countries. As I was going over the various places from which people have read his blog, he perked up when I told him he received hits from Russia.

We watched a series called "Wild Russia" on one of the documentary channels. Ozzy asked me if I had ever been there. I have not visited Russia, but I did tell him what I knew. I told him it is the largest country on earth, a vast place with diverse climates. The Russians are a great and noble people with an incredible history much older than that of the U.S. They always send superior athletes to the Olympics. Oh, and the Russian Boar is one of the most aggressive animals on the planet(since I am a hunter I had to fit that in). When I think of Russia,the word "strong" is the most prominent term I could think of.

I told Ozzy as much as his mind could process, and he sat quietly for a moment, contemplating all the information I had shared with him. The silence was broken when Ozzy asked me if we could visit Russia someday. Without missing a beat I told him the Russian people have gone through alot throughout history. They have survived invasions, revolutions, and World War II. I just don't think they could survive Ozzy!

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