Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Big Ben and Tim Tebow!

After Sunday night's big finish of the game between the Pittsburg Steelers and the Denver Broncos I kept the big screen tuned to the after-game interviews. Ozzy was in the bathroom and was unaware I had not changed the channel. Before the athletes stepped up to the microphones I sat through all the post game chatter. When it came time to question Tim Tebow, all televisions were tuned in to hear him speak.

Meanwhile, Ozzy stepped back into the living room, saw Tebow's hat, and though Tim was a Rapper. When I told Ozzy we weren't watching MTV, he giggled. "Ice! Ice! Baby!" Ozzy just couldn't keep quiet about that hat... And then Big Ben Rothlisberger appeared in front of the cameras, gangster hat and all. Ozzy shouted "Look Daddy... It's the GREEN HORNET"!

Three days later, and it's still funny. Yes, folks do wear some ridiculous attire, so why should NFL players be any different? Ozzy says he's waiting for someone to put on a clown suit!

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