Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Dog Show"!

Ozzy didn't want to move. I, on the other hand, had to leave my comfortable recliner to fix him a large bowl of popcorn. He was settled in for the evening, his eyes fastened to the Plasma Screen, unable to even blink. Staring at the spectacle with all the wonder of a child at Christmas, Ozzy witnessed his first televised Dog Show.

However, I find this about as interesting as a "Miss America Pagent" or one of those ridiculous interior decorator reality programs. Boring! I regret promising Ozzy he could watch anything he wanted if he sat through FOX News yesterday. Now I am stuck with Fido and Fifi live and in color. It doesn't help my situation watching my dog drool over the "chicks".

The finalists are lining up for one last walk in front of the judges, then we'll see who gets a blue ribbon. Glancing over to see what Ozzy is doing at this moment, and he is on a cell phone sending and receiving text messaging. Unaware he was a multi-tasker, I asked what he who he was talking to. Apparently he and some of the neighboring dogs are placing bets as to who will win the ultimate prize. What's worse is I discovered they are betting their "Daddies".

Well, it's time for me to go. It looks like just Ozzy lost me to the poodle just up the road. I hope my new family is rich!

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