Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Chain Saw Massacre"!

Wood burning stoves are great during cold weather, but real work when obtaining fuel for the season. I was running low on firewood, and since a freak storm blew a couple of whiteoak trees down in our backyard, I put gas in the chain saw and went to work. Fifteen minutes into my project I had to manuever a piece of wood for easier cutting, which required me to set the saw on the ground next to me. In hindsight I should have shut the thing off.

Unaware tha Ozzy was close by, as I was working he grabbed the still-running chain saw and simultaneously sqeezed the throttle. Since the saw weighs more than Ozzy, you can figure out which one had the upper hand. The saw revved, the chain dug into the ground, and then took off through the woods, Ozzy still hanging on and screaming for his life. It sounded like a bumble bee on steroids as it tore down the hill and out of sight. When he finally let go, the runaway chain saw idled for a few seconds, and then gave up the ghost.

The good news is Ozay survived this episode, and although the chain saw is a little worse for wear, his Paul Bunyon moment is probably a one-and-done deal.

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