Ozzy has been busy gathering information on the subject of Deer Hunting. He has watched several outdoor network programs to get a better understanding of this great tradition. While you may think the subject of Ozzy's study is the infamous Whitetail deer, you are mistaken. Ozzy is more fascinated by the average deer hunter, and his research will focus on hunter tactics and behaviour.
Ozzy's first step was choosing an area in which to conduct his research. Once located, Ozzy provided a list of items necessary for a successful venture. The list included a garden rake, a small spade, motion activated cameras, deer urine, and a large file. Once the items were secured, we proceeded to an area we knew hunters paid little attention to. While you may think this strange, you need to read further to find why Ozzy wanted to begin his study at this location.
First, Ozzy took the large file and created a "buck rub" on a large cedar tree in clear view of a well-travelled road to get the attention of any hunters who happened by. Next we proceeded to walk deeper into the woods stopping to create rubs every twenty feet to give the impression of a serious rub-line. We must have spent two hours marking cedar trees and saplings all over the area. Next, the rake was utilized to leave enough mock scrapes to drive even the most experienced hunter crazy. Each scrape was "doctored" with deer urine to add realism and enduce further excitment.
The finishing touch was a real stroke of genius if you ask me. Ozzy took the small spade and placed what looked like a large deer paw print impression in each scrape. One might conclude the world's largest buck was roaming in an area 100 acres in size. The scrapes were impressive enough, but the rubs on the trees would entice any hunter into believing the next world record was within reach. Hunter footage will be captured by several cameras set at either still-photos or video footage.
We left the area after spending a good part of the day setting the trap for what should be the deer hunter footage of the century. Now we wait and see what fruit our study will bear. Remember, this is Ozzy's idea.
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