My dog Ozzy recently watched a tv program which tells of costumed vigilantes patroling the streets in various cities nationwide in order to protect the innocent. He decided to become Thor, the Dog of Thunder. At first I thought this to be cute; now I'm not so sure.
In order for Ozzy to transform into his alter-ego, the first step was creating a costume. He snatched a towel out of a pile of clean laundry and tied it around his neck as a cape. Later, when he was let outside for exercise, he found a rubber mallet in the tool shed. Thor was reborn, and I'm certain criminals everywhere shivered in fear.
Later that day I was running the vaccum cleaner, and failed to hear "Thor" yelling "Save the Earth", "Down with Yodenheim", and "Slay the Frost Giant"! However, I got the message loud and clear when he wrapped the rubber mallet around my shin. I dropped to the floor and writhed around like a wounded athlete on Monday Night Football. The last thing I saw was a caped vigilante leaping down the hallway looking for more villians with which to do battle. My poor son was in his room; moments later I heard him scream. The Dog of Thunder has saved the day, leaving two victims in his wake (just in time for my wife to arrive home from work). Make that three victims!
We can never have too many heroes in this world! Go Ozzy!